February 18, 2025

Event Schedule for the 2017 LovEvolution Gathering

To see more details about the 2017 LovEvolution Gathering and get a ticket visit http://www.thelovevolutionsolution.org/2016-gathering


Friday beginning at noon: Co creating the village and building connections.

Participants are invited to arrive beginning at noon to settle in, make new friends and help decorate the lodge and cabins and other Camp LovEvolution spaces. Feel free to bring decorations, lights, fabrics, stones and sacred items to decorate the camp and create sacred spaces. We invite you to place a sacred item in the heart altar in the field across from the main pavilion.

The Costume Shack (Conscious Character Creation – all weekend) – Break free of old programing and playing the same default role and explore other identities and ways of dressing and being. Who we choose to be is perhaps our most important conscious choice. Let your freak flag fly. Contributions of clothing and props are appreciated, especially those for the Summer of Love (1967) celebration Saturday night.

There will also be a booth for creating your own tie-died outfits.  So when you’re packing throw a few old or stained cotton items in so you can give them new life with colorful dyes!

Tea Temple (Evenings after dinner) – Enjoy delicious exotic teas from around the world in the beautiful chill atmosphere cultivated by the fabulous Zeke and Faith.

Welcome to the FLOW ZONE! (Time – On Going) Presented by – Full Circle Arts – River and Julia McDowell – Location at School Bus in field – Embrace your child-like learning nature and come play!  The Flow Zone is an interactive free-form play ground where you can try out a flow-tool like Hoop, Staff, or Poi without time restraints, pressure or obligation. We can also offer on-the-spot free-form beginner instruction.

Children’s Village (10 am to 6pm daily) Presented by –Sandy Kirby and friends. Leave your children in our sheltered, safe and loving space so you are free to participate in events.  We’ll provide your kids with a variety of activities. Our goal is to teach as well as give kids something fun and activating to do.

Hape’ medicine (before the start of the sweat lodge) – Join medicine man Zachary Balakoff – aka “Bear” for a sacred indigenous blend of Amazonian tobacco and tree bark, which is used to clear the mind, relax the body and uplift the spirit. Great preparation for the sweat lodge ceremony.

Sweat Lodge Ceremony (2pm to 5pm) – Join Cherokee Elder, Yona FrenchHawk, in a traditional Cherokee sweat lodge ceremony for purification, prayer, teachings and singing. Let go of the outside world, clear your mind and body and open up to the love in and all around you. Drink lots of fluids before the sweat and wear modest loose covering clothing, including full tops for women. A sweat will again be offered on Sunday afternoon.

Sacred Songs from the Heart, facilitated by Zeke and Alinahh Ever (4pm to 5:30). Find your soulful voice and sing from your heart. Learn sacred songs of love and awakening and let your spirit soar.

The “Unscheduled Workshop” (Time – When you least expect it.) – Facilitated by the person or situation that challenges your ability to remain present, conscious and unconditional in your love. Perhaps the best training “workshop” for being a LovEvolutionary in an often challenging and unconscious world.

Community Dinner (6pm to 7pm – Dinner bell will ring when food is ready). Come join us in the dining hall for a free communal vegan Mexican dinner. Bubba Love and friends will be serenading us during dinner with his beautiful melodies.

Friday evening following dinner: Opening Welcome Ceremony – Circling the heart tribe and setting our intentions and creating a sacred and safe container.

Welcome Ceremony and Spiral Dance – Immediately following the Opening Ceremony.

Join us after dinner in the field around the heart altar as we circle up our heart tribe to set intentions, light the sacred heart fire and bless the land and event. Sacred chocolates will be served as we share music, song and movement, while doing a giant spiral dance of connection.

Spirit Costume Celebration – (Time – all night) Tonight you’re invited to step out of the ego role you normally play and let your spirit be free to express itself anyway you feel called to be. Feel like being a wild animal, a faerie, a werewolf, a hippie, a princess . . . Let your freak flag fly and be it!

Old Time Talent Show in the main pavilion (8:30pm to 11pm) – Hosted by Joe Bailey Jr. and Noah Proudfoot –  Time to show case some of God’s great gifts on stage to elevate the tribe’s vibe. Music, comedy, poetry/flowtry, dance, performances and all forms of inspired gifts. Do you feel called to share your gift on stage? Sign up on the sign up sheet before the show.

Open Mic and Sacred Heartsong Circle (11:00pm to 1am) at the fire pit in the woods – Offer your stories, wisdom, songs, and poems around the fire as we come together for an evening of musical inspiration, dance and spontaneous creation at the fire circle. Bring your drums, instruments and spirit.

Saturday Morning Theme – Clear your mind and open your heart:

Love Cleanse Ritual (all day any day) – Wash away all that obscures the natural expression of your inherent love and light in the pristine Pigeon River. We suggest you face down stream and contemplate letting go into the flow the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Make it tangible by tossing a rock down stream for each limiting belief you release. Then turn and face upstream and welcome in all that you want to flow into your life.

Qigong (8 am to 9am) – out in the open field – Experience moving chi, the energy of the Universe, through your body to become energized, focused and at peace. Enliven the garden within and around you. Facilitated by Jeremy Schewe.

Yin Yoga (9am to 10am) – out in the open field – facilitated by Joanie Lea Bailey, owner of the Gaia Den in West Virginia.  This yoga’s restorative flows are heart opening and relaxing. In addition, Joanie will be offering guided meditations based on group or individual need.

Sacred Expression Circle and River Baptism (9am to 10am) – facilitated by ancient language, culture and philosophy mystic Dale Allen Hoffman and Magdalene sacred sensuality model Loretta Hoffman. Awaken and tune into the sacred frequencies of life along the gorgeous river with Dale and Loretta with Intensive Aramaic and Indigenous Trance Toning, Buffalo Hoop Drum Dream Journeying,  Third Eye Anointing and Holy Breath of Fire River Baptism.

 This will be a profound fusion of meditation, conscious breath work, ancient Aramaic teachings, vocal intonations and practices to cultivate deep release and authentic expression.

The Art of Intimacy: Relationship as a Spiritual Path (10:30 am to noon) with Steve Torma – As “LovEvolutionaries” most of us have experienced the deep joy and challenge of committed intimate relationships.  To thrive we must free ourselves from old habits and blind spots and develop new skills and sensitivities. Explore emerging ideas and skills during this experiential playshop that will help you create the loving relationships our hearts know is possible. Steve is the former president of Earthaven Ecovillage and co-founder of The REAL Center. Learn more at www.therealcenter.org

Communal Lunch (Noon to 1pm – Dinner bell will ring when food is ready) Join us in the dinning hall for a delicious lunch.

Saturday Afternoon Theme: Deepen into you heart space, discover and contemplate your unique gifts and open up to your inner joy and wisdom.

Truly Wealthy – Investing in a Communal Economy facilitated by Irijah Rivers McDowell (1pm to 2:30) – We live in a world today that teaches that money and things should be our most desired form of wealth and that without them we are poor. This is not only a lie but a distraction from our true forms of wealth that have real economic value and true lasting effects in our lives. When we can shift our perspective we will see that we have so much to give and receive and that there is much more value that we can get out of life. We will realize that money and worldly wealth are only tools that can help on our path to obtaining our truest wealth.  Join us for this valuable workshop and open discussion on how to take our wealth back and truly live richer lives.

Gender Healing and Sacred Union – Birthing the New Paradigm Together (1pm to 3pm)

In preparation for a ceremony of sacred union, men and women will first join with their gender in council to explore their role in healing gender wounds and forming sacred unions for birthing the new paradigm world.

Women’s Council – Facilitator Lizzy Zima – (1pm to 2pm) Come connect with and relax into the arms of your village sisters, as we heal the wound of separation and reclaim our trust, support, and honor of one another. As sisters, mothers and midwives of the New Earth, we come together in alliance and harmony to awaken the power of our Shakti, to inspire the hearts of our brothers, husbands, and fathers, and to catalyze transformation on the planet. From this place we will meet our brothers, for a ceremony of forgiveness and true acknowledgement of each other’s souls.

Men’s Council – Facilitated by Jahsun Martini – (1pm to 2pm) Join us as we gather the men together for sacred council, uniting the tribe of conscious brotherhood and celebrating our roles as peaceful warriors and planetary protectors of the New Earth. We will open the space with embodiment practices to cultivate sacred union within ourSelves, and create trust, connection and resonance within the tribe of men. From this place we will meet our sisters, for a ceremony of forgiveness and true acknowledgement of each other’s souls.

Masculine/Feminine Sacred Union Ceremony (2pm – 3pm)

Immediately following the Men and Women’s Council, the men and women will weave together in a ceremony of sacred union, with the intention to heal the chasm between our genders. In order for the New Earth to birth, the men and women must come into sacred union. Through forgiveness, honor, and love… we mend what has been broken, and we rise up together as kings and queens, divine mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers of the New Earth.

Although we encourage participation in BOTH the men’s council/ women’s temple, we invite you to participate in this sacred union ceremony even if you do not attend the opening circles.

Enchanted Forest Stage – Ready to chill out in the shade of the forest and be serenaded? Join us for musical performances throughout the afternoon with the ambient sounds of Wyldheart at 3pm, the soothing sounds of Kindra on cello at 4pm and the joyful melodies of Bubba Love at 5pm.

Conscious Creator Crash Course: A Meaningful & Practical Approach to Manifesting Your Potential (3:30 to 5pm) presented by ordained Dharma teacher Ev Drew (Dheemanth).
What is the function of the mind-body connection? How do we ensure that our creative vision is achievable and our efforts are effective? To answer these questions, we must have a basic understanding of mental processes as they relate to physical phenomena. We must also understand the rules of causality. Learn how our brain projects a holographic simulation we call “reality” as an attempt to reproduce an inner working model of our outer experience.

Guided Musical Breathwork Journey with Jeremy Schewe and friends (3:30 to 5pm) – Breathwork is a pathway to extraordinary states of consciousness for spiritual growth and healing through deep and connected breathing and music.

Shamanic Awakening ceremony (5pm to 6:30pm) – Co facilitated by Benjamin Bernstein and Ami Adkison. Participants will be guided in simple yet potent techniques for self-healing, spiritual awakening and energetically assisting others. They will use shamanic tools and techniques such as rattling, singing, flowing energy and playing instruments to empower the group’s experience.

Participants commonly experience peace and expanded light body awareness, conscious merging with the Higher Self, and the integration of the light body and physical body. To learn more visit http://astroshaman.com

Open Heart Kirtan Singing (5:00 to 6:00pm)– lead by Michelle Shine – Let your spirit vibrate through you with sacred songs of love, community and nature. Kirtan, the participatory music of prayer, involves chanting various Sanskrit (and other) mantras in a melodic format. We sing to the various aspects of Love that we all truly are.

Community Love Feast (6:00 to 7:00pm – Dinner bell will ring when food is ready) – Share a delicious vegetarian curry dinner with naan and salad followed by ice cream, while enjoying the sounds of the Sangha Birds in the dining hall.

Pioneering the Ancient Future (7:00 to 7:30) – Toward the end of dinner in the dining hall, Patrick Hennessey, the chief orchestrator of Camp LovEvolution, will give a presentation on the new gorgeous and wild property that was just purchased to establish an ongoing Camp LovEvolution – Event and Retreat Sanctuary. After three years of searching, an epic property 4o minutes north of Asheville with two miles of pristine rivers, waterfalls, mountains and meadows has been secured. Photos and a discussion of its future mission will be shared.

Flashback Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Summer of Love (1967) – (9pm to midnight) – Step through the Flashback Portal into the sounds and sights of 1967 and the birth of the age of Aquarius. Feel the ripple of peace, love and joy that were set in motion and continue to ripple out in our time. Dress groovy and let’s relaunch the Summer of Love into 2017 and beyond.

Open acoustic Music and Sacred Songs 10:30pm to 1 am at the giant fire circle in the woods – Offer your stories, wisdom, songs, and poems to the fire as we come together for an evening of musical inspiration, dance and spontaneous creation at the fire circle. Please keep volume down after midnight to respect the sound curfew.

Sunday Theme: Deepening our connections, integration and embracing our Well of Being.

Yin Yoga (9am to 10am) – out in the open field – facilitated by Joanie Lea Bailey, owner of the Gaia Den in West Virginia.  This yoga’s restorative flows are heart opening and relaxing. In addition, Joanie will be offering guided meditations based on group or individual need.

Galactic Homecoming Journey (9am to 10:30am) – Facilitated by John Finessee Whitaker, co-creator of Star Wheel Medicine: Astrology Wisdom Practices. Come Home! Come Home! There’s divine Galactic family to welcome and special gifts to receive and share! We’ll charge our body fields with dynamic breathing, toning and joyful anticipation. Then we’ll walk the star wheel medicine path of the zodiac to enrich our true nature as divine co-creators. John will also discuss the transformational astrology of these prophetic times.

Sunday Morning Ecstatic Brunch Dance – 10 am to noon – Awaken and move your body and spirit to the flow of live music orchestrated by Trey and friends. Delicious brunch will be served at the pavilion.

Nicholas, who is a talented dance instructor, will be offering “Dance Design” at the beginning. Dance design is a forum of hand and body motions used to manifest your desires on any level. Using these motions in alignment with your intentions supports your dreams or desires for intimacy, prosperity and well being.

Compassionate Communication and Intimacy – 11am to 12:30  Intimacy is the ability to know oneself and connect deeply with others. In this workshop we will learn the basics of Nonviolent Communication, a powerful tool that helps us to stay centered in any situation, move beyond stalemates, forgive others and yourself, hear the yes behind every no, be flexible without being submissive, express anger or disappointment without judgment or blame, and more. Facilitated by Steve Torma –  the former president of Earthaven Ecovillage and co-founder of The REAL Center. Learn more at www.therealcenter.org

Hape’ medicine (before the start of the sweat lodge) – Join medicine man Zachary Balakoff – aka “Bear” for a sacred indigenous blend of Amazonian tobacco and tree bark, which is used to clear the mind, relax the body and uplift the spirit. Great preparation for the sweat lodge ceremony.

Sweat Lodge Ceremony (1pm to 4pm) Join Cherokee Elder, Yona FrenchHawk, in a traditional Cherokee sweat lodge ceremony for purification, prayer, teachings and singing. Prepare yourself to re enter the world outside of Camp LovEvolution reborn with a clear mind and an open heart. Drink lots of fluids before the sweat and wear modest loose covering clothing, including full tops for women.

Divine Energy Sharing, facilitated by Frank Connelly (Creator of Joy) in the forest village (3pm to 4pm) – Come  together to connect deeply with your inner divine nature and allow love, light, and power to flow through you to effect change in the world of form. During this share you will have an opportunity to receive and provide energy healing. We are all healers and divine at our core.

Tantra – A Divine Pathway Back Home (1pm to 2:30pm) – Facilitated by Shakti Elaine – As divine beings, we came to to this earth plane to experience ourselves in our truest form – as love. Ecstasy is our natural state of being. Tantra is not just a sexual practice but a pathway back home to our truth. Rediscover your truth as a divine being of light and experience your divine connection to all others. Learn the art of sacred touch to awaken, heal and pleasure another. There will be experiential exercises in this workshop. But no nudity or sensual/sexual engaging.

Soul Medicine Vibrations: Sound Healing and Spontaneous Toning Circle (2pm to 3pm) Join Kennedy OneSelf for a symphony of vibrational serenity to silence the mind and discover the pure essence of being within. Then stay to sing together during a toning circle led by the Unity Harp, a multi-octave single tone, with 49 strings in solidarity.

Mana (mind) Gardening (3 to 4pm) with Michelle Shine, PhD – This ancient Hawaiian method of using your creative imagination is an easy access portal to your inner wisdom. In this science presentation and workshop, participants are guided step by step through this unique and relaxing method of creating their own inner garden and accessing their own innate wisdom.  To learn more visit www.managardening.com

Sunday Barbecue Picnic Dinner 5:00 to 6:30 pm – Join us for veggie bean burgers, potato salad, coleslaw and watermelon.

Closing Ceremony 7pm: Take the love and inspiration back into the world as LovEvolutionaries. This year we are transforming our traditional “tunnel of love” experience into a “love wash” where participants will be showered with expressions of love and appreciation. It’s just as heartfelt but will require far less time.

Final Fire 9pm – Those who choose to camp over night are invited to join around the fire for story telling, music and sharing.

Monday (Clean Up and Reentry Day)

Morning Exodus by noon: Time to pack up, clean up and leave the village and reenter the “world”. Be sure to take the LovEvolution home with you and let it ripple out to others to create a sea of change. Pay forward the gifts you’ve shared.

Those who are helping to pack and clean up Camp LovEvolution are welcome to stay beyond noon.

To see more details about the event and register visit http://www.thelovevolutionsolution.org/2016-gathering