February 18, 2025

Diving into the Dance of Love and Life.

Tonight, under a full moon, I pack my bags to leave Bali, the “Island of the Gods” and begin my journey back to America on the other side of the world. My heart is full of deep gratitude and love for an infinite number of blessings, gifts, insights and inspirations. The spirit of this lush […]

The Ultimate Trip – the Journey within – guided by Mother Ayahuasca.

“The kingdom of Heaven is within.” – Jesus I was blessed to participate in three beautiful Ayahuasca ceremonies in rural Mexico this past week. These ceremonies took me out of my mind, deep into my heart and into a blissful state of deep gratitude, love and joy. During my first ceremony I felt I was […]

The “2012 Awakening” begins with facing our own shadows.

I woke up early one Saturday morning and entered a room filled with expressions of pain – broken hearts, betrayals, abuse, neglect . . . It was hard to hear and even harder to let in and feel. And it was even more difficult to recognize my own deep wounds, pains and disappointments and share […]

Love – the Ultimate Renewable Resource

“You are starved for love in America” Mother Teresa shared when commenting on the extensive spiritual poverty she found in America during one of her visits. In her view Americans were starving for love because they were missing “a living relationship with God”. I believe we Americans are programmed to look outside of ourselves to […]

Finding the light on a dark day.

On a dark Monday with an aching heart I joined my guided meditation group. For the first time in my life I prayed intensely to know God directly, without religion and dogma. As I opened up to letting God in what came into me and wrapped around me was an overwhelming sense of love and […]

The Apocalypse at Long Last!

As some are coming to realize, the word “apocalypse” comes from the Greek word “apokálypsis” which means the “lifting of the veil” – “to reveal what has been hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception”. Hidden falsehood and misconception – does that sound familiar to you too? Could […]

Miracle of Love

Can the miracle of love transform a room full of strangers into intimate loving friends in only one weekend? Yes, it can. I know this after participating  in the Human Awareness Institute’s (HAI) workshop “Love is a miracle“. Love is a miracle. Love can transform people’s hearts and minds and heal old wounds that years […]

Creating Your LovEvolutionary Name!

When you say your name does it sound like who you really are? Or is it merely a name you inherited and use by default? My legal name is Patrick James Hennessey. My chosen LovEvolutionary name is “Kernel Love Joy”. That’s “Kernel” as in the kernel that I can grow and evolve into doing all […]