October 22, 2024

The LovEvolution’s Magic Love Bus Gathering – August 1st -4th, 2014

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Friday, August 1st – Monday, August 4th 2014

Featuring the Summer of Love Flashback Party on the Magic Love Bus and three days and nights of heart and mind expanding activities.

Almost two hundred beautiful spirits came together in the Blue Ridge Mountains to share their gifts and co-create a three day gathering focused on sharing love, ceremony, wisdom, kindness, music and celebration. Virtually everyone left the Gathering with hearts filled to the brim with love and joy.

The love that ripples out from our hearts where ever we go contributes to the sea change we call the LovEvolution – the Revolution of Evolution from Love.

Special thanks to all the presenters who volunteered to offer their workshops for free and t all the volunteers who checked in guests with kindness, who cooked healthy food with love, decorated and transformed Camp Hope into Camp LovEvolution with creativity  and cleaned up the facilities with care.

Thanks also to all who kept this event safe and sacred by respecting each others boundaries and refraining from drugs and alcohol. This enabled us to fully open up to each other and give each other the ultimate present – to be present for each other.

View and share photos and updates about the Gathering on FaceBook.

To contact us email – MagicLoveBus@gmail . . .

For additional Questions about the event visit –
FAQ about the LovEvolution Gathering.


Camp Hope – Before being transformed into “Camp LovEvolution”.

Event Schedule:

Friday beginning at noon: Co creating the village and building connections.

Attendees are invited to arrive beginning at noon to settle in, make new friends and help decorate the lodge and cabins and other Camp LovEvolution spaces. Bring decorations, lights, fabrics, candles, stones and sacred items to decorate our camp and create sacred spaces.

Transformational Face Painting (Beginning Friday afternoon to Saturday) for Kids of all ages by artist Amy Liza Williams at the children’s tent. Express your inner beauty and spirit colorfully during the Gathering by becoming a work of art. Donations are welcome. To learn more visit www.ashevillefaceandbodyart.com

Rapé Ceremony – 2pm –  Prepare yourself for the Gathering and set your intentions during this ceremony guided by Aster Chaskamuru. Rapé (pronounced hop-ay) is a blend of sacred Amazonian tobacco and the ashes of a tree known as tsunú. It’s used with prayer and can help re-align and clear the chakras, enhance your connection to the earth, release blockages in the body, clear the mind, and open you to receiving your prayers. Aster will be available to offer Rapé to attendees throughout the Gathering.

 Ascension 101 with Alokananda-  2:30pm – Get the full download about some of the core pieces that the ascension process entails and how it looks at this unique time on the earth. Receive some essential tools for self-mastery, awareness and healing from a multi-disciplinary approach. Alokananda is a gifted intuitive healer, wisdom keeper, channel, reverend, facilitator of sacred space and a rainbow warrior prophecy holder.

Crystal Singing Bowl Ceremony: Awakening Your Cosmic Heart at 4:00pmJoin Kate Beloved on a guided journey into the depths of your cosmic heart, the seed of true soul love. Beloved uses divine crystal sound frequencies flowing through her vocal harmonics, together with the crystal vibrations of her gemstone alchemy crystal singing bowls and native flute language of light to evoke transmissions from the Heart of the Divine Mother, Angelic Realm and Unseen Realms.  To learn more visit –  www.DivineCrystalSound.com

Friday evening: Opening ceremony – Setting our high vibe intentions.

Welcome Ceremony and Spiral Dance – Beginning at 6pm.

Gather at the main dining hall/lodge at 6pm for a welcome ceremony followed by a communal dinner.

Following an introduction to the LovEvolution Gathering by Kernel Love Joy, you will be invited to participate in a Spiral Dance to connect with each other.

You will also be invited to create a “prayer tie” to set your private intention for the Gathering. Perhaps you’d like to let go of what no longer serves you or call in new energies into your life. Tune into your intuitive wisdom and create and bless a prayer tie to carry with you during the Gathering. Toward the end of the Gathering you are welcome to offer your prayer tie to the fire that is burning inside the Sacred Heart of Love Altar.

Community Dinner beginning at 7pm. Bring the food you love to share.

I, Star – live musical performance at the Magic Love Bus – 8pm to 9pm. Let the beautiful and moving harmonies of husband and wife team, Truth-I and Aradhana, move your body, heart and soul. I,Star’s music is best described as folk-hop – blending reggae, funk, and alternative sounds with stellar musicianship. To learn more visit www.istarvision.com

Drumming Playshop 8pm – facilitated by Freedom – Synchronize your heart beats and hands around the fire circle in the woods in preparation for the open mic and sacred heart songs.

Magic Love Bus Lounge – 9:30pm to midnight – Feel like chilling in the Magic Love Bus or dancing to ambient music spilling out from the Bus? The Bus is open for conversations, laughter and dance.

Open Mic and Sacred Heartsong Circle 9:00pm to Midnight – hosted by Proudfoot and Tenderfire – Offer your stories, songs, and poems to the fire as we come together for an evening of musical inspiration, dance and spontaneous creation at the fire circle.

Multi Generational Fireside Chat starting at midnight – from Crystal/Indigo Children to Elders. Let’s share our timeless wisdom across the generations.

Possible topics for discussion:

  • Restoring our connection to our sacred nature in and all around us.
    Nature is not simply an economic resource. We are nature.
  • Staying positive and keeping an open heart in a challenging world.
  • Discovering the importance of forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and those who have hurt you is crucial
  • Finding the gold in our shadows.
  • Lucid dreaming – lucid living.
  • Being a Spiritual Warrior in a time of transformation.


Saturday Morning Theme – Clear your mind and open your heart:

Love Cleanse – Immerse yourself in the pristine waters of the Pigeon River and clear away the outside world, your mind and all that obscures you from seeing your love and light. The river swimming hole is an ideal location for your self guided ceremony. Saturday morning from dawn to noon is the suggested time.

Morning Meditation 8am – Begin your day from the center of your inner Universe and let the peace and calm be with you throughout your day.

Qigong 8 am – with Jeremy Schewe. Experience moving chi, the energy of the Universe, through your body to become energized, focused and at peace. Enliven the garden within and around you, while refining intent and humanifestation. To learn more about Jeremy visit http://inchantedjourneys.com/about-us/jeremy-schewe

Morning Yoga 9am – Awaken your heart, mind and body and open to the new day. Guided by Joanie Lea Bailey.

Medicine of the Heart Cacao Ceremony with JoJo Silverman 10am to Noon    (Limited to 40 participants) This heart activation journey includes ceremonial grade, hand peeled, cacao from Guatemala. Chocolate, as it’s often called, is a safe and legal plant medicine that can be an amazing assistant and catalyst in our awakening and self realization.

This special variety, and potent dose of heirloom Cacao brings substantially more blood to the brain and heart, as well as activates the pineal gland. Combined with meditation, kirtan chanting we’ll together create a powerful vibration to reconnect and remember who we are. NoteBe sure to eat lightly (or not at all) to allow for full and rapid absorption of Cacao.  To learn more visit http://musicasprayer.org/JoJo.html

Free Brunch – from 11am to 1pm – “Multiply the loaves” by bringing what food and beverages you’d like to share at the table.

Saturday Afternoon Theme: Deepen into you heart space, inspire your imagination and open up to your inner joy and wisdom.

Shamanic Breathwork with Robert Six Owls – 12:30 to 2:30pm – Breathwork is a pathway to extraordinary states of consciousness for spiritual growth and healing through deep and connected breathing and music. Robert will also be available for private sessions during and after the Gathering.  To learn more visit http://isiscove.com/robert-six-owls

Poetry reading circle 2pm – Bring your favorite heart and mind opening poems and quotes to share aloud.

Shamanic Awakening ceremony 3 to 4:30 pm – co facilitated by Benjamin Bernstein and Kimberly Crowe. Participants will be guided in simple yet potent techniques for self-healing, spiritual awakening and energetically assisting others. They will also use shamanic tools and techniques such as rattling, singing, flowing energy and playing instruments to empower the group’s experience.

Participants commonly experience peace and expanded light body awareness, conscious merging with the Higher Self, and the integration of the light body and physical body.

To learn more about Benjamin and his invocations visit http://astroshaman.comLearn about Kimberly Crowe and her offerings http://innerawakeningmatrix.webs.com

Talkin’ Bout a LovEvolution  – 4:30 to 5:30pm – – Let’s come together to talk about love and how it can create revolution of transformation and set us free individually and collectively.

Community Love Feast 6pm – Saturday night we celebrate the Summer of Love on the Magic Love Bus. Come to dinner dressed in your grooviest get up. Bring your most savory and sensual treats for this community meal. To make this shared meal even more nourishing we encourage each participant to choose a partner to feed and be fed by.

Flashback Astrology 6:30pm – Join local astrology luminary Benjamin Bernstein during dinner for a fascinating presentation and discussion on the astrological similarities between now and the Summer of Love in 1967.

To sign up for astrology email updates and/or schedule a private session with Benjamin visit http://astroshaman.com

Sacred Heart of Love Ceremony 7:30 – Circle around the Sacred Heart of Love Altar near the Bus as we synchronize our hearts and bodies through song and movement and create a powerful group prayer for LOVE.

The sacred items that have been placed in the sacred heart by participants will be blessed with our prayers. The fire inside the sacred heart will be tended until the end of the event.

Once the vibration of love over takes us we’ll bursts forth into the “Summer of Love” and the party on and around the Magic Love Bus!

The Summer of Love Party on the Magic Love Bus8:30 pm to Midnight – Step through the flower power portal archway and flashback to 1967 and feel the love, music and optimism in the air. Wear your grooviest garb and get on board the Bus for the LovEvolution.

Flow Arts – Hooping, Dancing and Joyful Movement 8:30pm to 9:30pm – Get your joy flowing and warm up your heart for the Summer of Love Flashback Party with Julia Hoops. Dance releases trapped energy in the body and facilitates the healing of the body and mind. Let yourself flow free and feel the joy and creativity that is set free.

Sunday Theme: Deepening our connections, integration and embracing our Well Being.

Morning Meditation 8am – Begin your day from the center of your inner Universe and let the peace and calm be with you throughout your day.

Morning Yoga 9am – Awaken your heart, mind and body and open to the new day. Guided by Joanie Lea Bailey.

Sunday Morning Ecstatic dance at the Magic Love Bus – 10 am to noon – Awaken and move your body and spirit to the beautiful sounds emanating from the Magic Love Bus.

Sacred Relating 101 –  11am to noon – with Alokananda. Discover compassionate communication, the mirroring process and the growth edges of sacred relating. Stories about the process of ascension through sexual alchemy via many lineages + more.

Free Sunday Brunch – from 11am to 1pm – “Multiply the loaves” by bringing what food and beverages you’d like to share at the table.

Journal writing at noon – Learn more about the power of journaling to access our deepest feelings, wisdom and inspirations in a guided journaling circle. Let your soul and heart express themselves intimately through your pen.

Awakening Your Heart Noon to 1pm – Relax into your heart space and resonate with healing sounds of crystal bowls singing as Kimberly Crowe and Kate Beloved guide you on a beautiful journey of the heart and soul. To learn more about Kimberly Crowe visit http://innerawakeningmatrix.webs.com To learn more about Kate Beloved visit www.belovedwaters.com

Water Blessing – 1 to 2pm – Join Kate Beloved and Heume of “the Beloved Waters Project” at the pristine Pigeon River for beautiful ceremony to heal and celebrate the waters within us and all around us. To learn more visit www.belovedwaters.com and www.heume.com.

How to THRIVE – Body, Mind and Spirit – 1 to 2pm – Join vegan chef, William Najger, for a high energy course in how to detoxify and achieve optimal health for your body, mind and soul.

Male Female Healing Ceremony 2:30 to 4pm – When the masculine and feminine come together in balance, harmony will be restored in this world. This ceremony will be a powerful opportunity for men and women to recognize, forgive and heal their gender wounds and come together from a place of respect and gratitude.

Men and women will first meet in a circle of their own gender. Then after sharing a discussion about healing the masculine and feminine within and in our gender relationships the men will be invited into the center of the woman’s circle for a healing ceremony.

Reality Integration with Maegen Coral 4:00 to 5pm – After being deeply immersed in transformational activities and community, explore helpful ways for processing and integrating these rich experiences into our lives beyond the Gathering.

Sound Alchemy with Mirra StarSeed and Andrew Kotikovsky 4 to 5:30pm – A ceremony dedicated to exploring the healing and transformative aspects of sonic vibration. Throughout our journey we will delve into the multidimensionality of our sensory experience; exploring it’s potent effects on our health and this powerful presence in every moment of our lives. Learn more at www.altaralchemy.com

Sunday Dinner Potluck 5:00 pm – Prepare and share food and beverages for the communal dinner.

Gifting Circle 6pm – Feel the bliss that comes with giving and receiving. You are invited to present your gift into the center of the circle. Then choose a gift that resonates with you. And remember that greatest present is to be present for each other.

Closing Ceremony 7pm: Taking the love and inspiration back into the world as LovEvolutionaries. LovEvolutionaries are invited to share how the gathering has touched or inspired them. Then take an “Angel Walk” through a tunnel of beloved participants and be showered with expressions of love and appreciation.

Final Fire 9pm – Those who choose to camp over night are invited to join around the fire for story telling and sharing.

Monday Morning Exodus by noon: Time to pack up and leave the village and reenter the “world”. Be sure to take the LovEvolution home with you and let it ripple out to others to create a sea of change.


  1. ErosScintilla says

    insearch of a ride to this gathering from asheville, nc. i can be contacted at (330)-828-1133

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